Monday 9 November 2015

Our role in doing things is contributive, not decisive

We do things all the time, yet we don’t often think about the various factors that go into things working out well. The Bhagavad-gita (18.14) lists five components: the field of action, the doer, the instruments of action, endeavor and destiny.

Gita commentators have explained these factors variously. To make the abstruse concepts accessible, let’s consider how these factors apply to a contemporary example of action, say, a cricketer batting.

The field of action can refer to both the cricket pitch and the batsman’s body. If the pitch is waterlogged or the body is injured, the batsman can’t perform. The doer refers here to the player’s soul that animates his body and initiates the action of batting. The instruments of action refer to the specific senses required for that particular action. So, for example, if the batsman’s hand is sprained, he can’t bat, even if the rest of his body is ok. The endeavor refers to the difference made by determined, diligent practice. Practice can enable average batsmen to perform decently, and talented batsman to perform superlatively. The fifth and final factor is destiny – the divine will that, based on our past karma, determines results.

Among these factors, we are the initiators of action. So, our role is important, but it is not all-important, for we alone don’t determine the result.

Despite listing these five factors, the Gita doesn’t go into their technicalities. Instead, it uses the point that we are not the sole doers to underscore its central message: Work for pleasing Krishna instead of for enjoying the results. Such a devotional mood protects us from both the hubris that often accompanies success and the inferiority complex that often accompanies failure. Further, we can make our best contribution and, more importantly, progress towards satisfaction, purification and ultimately liberation.

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