Tuesday 13 January 2015

See the world through the Word, not the Word through the world by Chaitanya Charan Das Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16

Seeing the world through the Word means first letting the Word of God, Bhagavad-gita, determine our basic conceptual framework, and then analyzing the world through the lens provided by the Gita.
On the other hand, seeing the Word through the world means first letting the world’s thought-systems determine our conceptual framework and then examining the Gita through that filter.
Neither God nor his message is reducible to any one nation or historical epoch or even religious community.
Those who prioritize the world over the Word end up force-fitting the Gita into the analytical categories of their favored worldview. Thus, nationalists reduce the Gita to an Indian book; religious partisans, to a Hindu book; and historians, to a sample of ancient Indian literature. Those totally captivated by specific worldviews may go beyond reducing the Gita to even distorting it. Thus, Marxists who see everything in terms of class conflicts label the Gita as a book of brahminical orthodoxy; and feminists who see everything in terms of gender power struggles label it as a book of male chauvinism. Such people who insist on seeing the Gita through the world’s categories often reject its counsel. As the Gita (16.23) delineates, those who reject its message deprive themselves of its essential gift – happiness.
All world-centered analysis misses the reality that the Gita is God’s word for all of humanity for all time. Being the source of everything, God is the benefactor of all, irrespective of their worldly designations such as class or gender. Neither he nor his message is reducible to any one nation or historical epoch or even religious community. He shares the Gita to help us relish everlasting happiness by realizing our spiritual identity as souls – an identity far beyond the world’s categories.

By embracing the non-sectarian path of self-realization explained in the Gita, everyone everywhere can fulfill fully and forever the universal human longing for happiness.

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