Where did everything come from? This is one of the biggest
unanswered questions in science. Of course, this question precedes modern
naturalist science; it has engaged and vexed thinkers since time immemorial.
The question is especially troubling for atheists. If God
doesn’t exist, as they believe, and the universe hasn’t existed eternally, as
science has shown, everything has to have come from nothing. But that is both
counterintuitive and counter-observational. Why should something that is never
seen to happen in the universe happen at its beginning?
Still, preachers of atheism try aggressively to explain, or
more precisely explain away, this problem. And they often misappropriate
science for furthering their atheistic agenda. Thus, for example, some atheists
write books that claim to explain scientifically how everything came from
nothing. Yet beneath their scientific-sounding verbiage, what they offer is not
explanation but redefinition. They redefine nothing by equating it with a
quantum mechanical vacuum. But this vacuum requires pages of complex calculus
to describe. It is certainly not nothing; it is something; quite a thing, in
To differentiate their redefined nothing from the standard
meaning of nothing, the absence of anything, atheists italicize the word nothing.
But italicizing nothing doesn’t change the referent – something – to nothing.
And explaining how everything came from something doesn’t even begin explaining
how everything came from nothing.
If everything has to come from something, then that something
needs to have the potential to manifest everything. That potent something, Gita
wisdom explains, is the Absolute Truth who eternally has matter and
consciousness as energies.
The Bhagavad-gita (10.08) indicates that this source of
everything is God, Krishna. Positing an omnipotent source of everything offers
a far more intellectually satisfying explanation of origins than any
prestidigitation that centers on redefining nothing and ends up explaining
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