Suppose a football player is approaching the opposite side’s
goal. But someone suddenly distracts the player towards something unimportant
and an opposing player seizes the ball.
Or suppose someone reminds the player of all their past
misses and the player becomes disheartened, aiming only halfheartedly and
missing the goal.
In both cases, the player is responsible for the lapse. But
to prevent recurrence of such lapses, the distracter or discourager needs to be
dealt with too.
Suppose that distracter or discourager were inside the
player instead of outside. That would make the player even more vulnerable and
would make dealing with the hostile inner voice even more vital.
The Bhagavad-gita (06.06) indicates that the hostile voice
often belongs to our mind. When we attempt anything purposeful, our mind starts
talking about worthless things that simply waste our time and distract us from
constructive actions. Or it talks about how we have erred in the past, thereby
disheartening us, preventing us from doing our best and sabotaging our chances
of success.
The best way to deal with the mind is by becoming devoted to
Krishna. Bhakti-yoga provides us a higher taste that makes the mind’s distractions
more resistible. And meditating on Krishna’s merciful nature helps us counter
feelings of discouragement. The Bhagavad-gita assures that no matter what our
lapses, if we just persevere in our devotional practices, we are well-situated
(09.30), and we will eventually progress towards success – we will never meet
with ultimate destruction in our inner battle (09.31).
When we take our resolve from the negative, “I won’t become
distracted or disheartened” to the positive, “I will become devoted to Krishna”,
that affirmative resolution raises our consciousness to the spiritual level
from where we can either neglect the mind’s voice or catch and correct it
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