Tuesday 17 March 2015

Chaitanya Charan Das Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 06

Seek balance through dynamic determination, not frozen formula by Chaitanya Charan Das Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 06
We need to balance our various obligations and aspirations, material and spiritual. Pertinently, the Bhagavad-gita (06.17) recommends regulation in attending to bodily needs.
In seeking a balance, we often look for a predefined plan – I will do this at this time and that at that time and so forth. However, life’s unpredictable vicissitudes frequently require us to adapt our plans. That’s why we can succeed in balancing not by any frozen formula, but by a dynamic determination – a strong resolution to pursue our cherished goals while simultaneously being responsive to changing circumstances.
What will keep us on course is our overall sense of direction coupled with a strong determination to move onwards by whatever way works.
To understand the principle of dynamic determination, consider the example of cycle riding. The normal balanced state of a moving cycle is the vertical state. But suppose we come to a dead-end or a traffic jam. To keep progressing towards our destination, we will need to turn left or right and seek an alternative way on which we will later turn right or left respectively. While turning left, the cycle’s balanced state would be a left-tilted state; and while turning right, a right-tilted state. If, however, we tilt the cycle for too long, we will end up going in a circle. What will keep us on course is our overall sense of direction coupled with a strong determination to move onwards by whatever way works.
In our life-journey too, when we develop an overall sense of direction and streamline our determination accordingly, we will be able to respond intelligently to life’s emerging scenarios. While usually living according to a broad plan, we will appropriately adapt it when necessary, giving more time to our material obligations during exigencies and giving more time to our spiritual aspirations during special occasions.
When we balance and power our life-journey with such dynamic determination, we will march steadily and swiftly towards self-actualization.


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