Tuesday 8 December 2015

To save time, we need spiritual elevation more than technological innovation

We are frequently over-scheduled, over-worked, over-stressed. So, we naturally feel eager for things that promise to save time. Catering to our needs, scores of apps offer time-efficient ways of doing things.

Many such apps do save time. But we often need to choose among several competing apps, each with its own pluses and minuses. And finding the one app that works best for us takes time. By the time we settle for an app, learn to use it and get habituated to it, our technologically innovative times provide some new, better-looking apps. And again we go through the time-consuming process of evaluating and choosing. If we aren’t careful, we may end up spending more time in selecting time-saving apps than the time saved by those apps.

To invest our time carefully, we need to train ourselves to see things in proper perspective without getting carried away by the lure of new things. The Bhagavad-gita indicates that clarity of perception characterizes the mode of goodness (14.11), whereas insatiable desire and hyper-activity characterize the mode of passion (14.12). So, we can gain proper perspective by elevating our consciousness from the mode of passion to the mode of goodness.

For raising our consciousness, we need to purify ourselves through spiritual practices such as meditation and scriptural study. These practices empower us to bring order in our inner world, thereby making us alert and adept. We become alert to catch and curb stray thought-patterns, thus saving the time lost in daydreaming, absent-mindedness and moodiness. And we become adept at cultivating and facilitating productive thought-patterns, thus using all our resources, including apps, more effectively.

If we can get our priorities right and focus more on spiritual elevation than on technological innovation, our endeavors for saving time will be far more successful.

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